Blanket for Shane!

After posting pictures of a Rag-Tag Blanket I made, I was contacted by Shane's Mommy interested in me making another - just like it- for Shane.  She was looking for a blanket that was soft, fun, interactive, and one that he could carry around with him and it wouldn't be too big.  My Rag-Tag Blanket was the ideal fit!

She told me that she loved the one I had posted, especially the baseballs and she gave free will.  So, I went to the store and they luckily had everything still in stock so, I scooped it all up and changed a couple little things because I had found new tags!

Here is what I came up with for baby Shane!

I decided that I would throw in a little something extra for him, since he was my first internet order, and because I'm sure he would love something a little more his size right now. 
I made up an 8"x8" Crinkle-Rag-Tag-Toy
This is so soft, crinkles when you bunch it, and has a bunch of taggies for fun chewing times!

I hope that he loves his new blanket and enjoys it for a long time!
Enjoy Shane!!

Interested in a Rag-Tag-Blanket or a Rag-Tag-Crinkle-Toy?  Email or Facebook me your questions and I'll be sure to figure something out with you!

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